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Adolfo Vásquez Rocca

Doctor of Philosophy from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Postgraduate, Department of Philosophy IV. Postgraduate Institute Professor of Philosophy at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Artist. Professor of Anthropology and Aesthetics in the Department of Arts and Humanities of the Universidad Andrés Bello UNAB. - In...

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See everything we offer you!
39.37 x 31.50 in
43.31 x 29.53 in
39.37 x 27.56 in
27.56 x 35.43 in
Net Art/Digital Art
37.40 x 27.56 in
43.31 x 31.50 in
19.69 x 31.50 in
39.37 x 31.50 in
393.70 x 314.96 in
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Adolfo Vásquez Rocca

Doctor of Philosophy from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Postgraduate, Department of Philosophy IV. Postgraduate Institute Professor of Philosophy at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Artist. Professor of Anthropology and Aesthetics in the Department of Arts and Humanities of the Universidad Andrés Bello UNAB. - In October of 2006 and 2007 he was invited by the "Man and World Foundation 'and UNAM to issue a series of conferences in Mexico. - Member of International Editorial Board of the "Global Ethic Foundation" from Mexico. Director of the International Advisory Council Konvergencias, Journal of Philosophy and Cultures in Dialogue, Argentina. Director Magazine Philosophical Observations. Visiting Professor in the Masters in Philosophy from the Autonomous University of Puebla and Associate Professor Theoria-Project Group European-UCM Graduate Research. Researcher Research, Universidad Andrés Bello - Jorge Millas Fund 2009. He recently published the book: Peter Sloterdijk, Spheres, cosmic cold and climate policies , Novatores Collection, No. 28, Publisher of Alfons the Magnanimous Institution (AMI), Valencia, Spain, 2008.


2007 - 2008

Show the Post-Human Condition | Buenos Aires - Málaga |
Conceptual framework and Registration Works



Philosophical Magazine Comments


Member of Editorial Board Cultural Scan - Journal of Contemporary Art and new trends, Santiago.

Advisory Board Member Advised in International Journal of Humanities: Monterroso and Technology , Mexico.

Director of the International Advisory Council of Konvergencias, Journal of Philosophy and Cultures in Dialogue , Argentina. ISSN 1669-9092 http://www.konvergencias.net/


A PART REI ISSN: 1137-8204, Journal of Philosophical Studies Madrid

NOMADS Magazine Critique of Law and Social Sciences ISSN 1578-6730 - Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

ZERO MARGIN, founding member of the Association of Cultural Magazines from Spain, ISSN 1695-4807

S Accounting , Journal of the Foundation for Sociological Studies (FUNDES) of Madrid, founded by Julian Marias, ISSN: 0211-1381

EIKASIA Journal of Philosophy, ISSN 1885-5679 - Oviedo, Spain

Focusing International Journal of Arts and Culture, Spain

DEBATS Journal of Philosophy and cultural criticism , ISSN 0212-0585, Institució Alfons the Magnanimous, Valencia.

Heterogenesis [SWEDISH-SPANISH] _ contemporary art magazine. FOR SAMTIDSKONST Tidskrift


Vásquez Rocca, Adolfo

Book: Peter Sloterdijk, spheres, cosmic cold and climate policies , Novatores Collection, No. 28, Publishing Alfons the Magnanimous Institution (AMI), Valencia, Spain, 2008. 221 pages | ISBN: 978-84-7822-523-1

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